I'm one or two seasons back on GBBO, but I just have to say it somewhere: OMG, they sent Jurgen home! Whaaaaaaaaaat???!??!!!?
Streaming 1: There Goes the Weekend
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Is anyone else watching Andor? It's SO GOOD.
Like, not just Star Wars good, but actual-fact good.
I’m so used to stupid George Lucas dialog, it’s just WEIRD to hear well-written words come out of all the characters’ mouths.
I haven't started Andor. I'm not sure why, I wasn't as enthused until I saw everyone's reactions and so now it's going on my list.
Is anyone watching Lower Decks ? If they are is it talked about here or another thread?
I love Lower Decks, and this week's DS9 episode made me so happy!
OMG Lower Decks is the thing that brings me the most joy right now! It's so funny and full of love for Trek.
The bit this week with the Cerritos and the pylons! Amazingly funny.
M and I have been watching Lower Decks together so I'm waiting for him to be in the TV mood. Usually we watch it Thursday but we've gotten off schedule and he hasn't felt like it.
I love the whole dynamic of the 4 of them and their friendship. And Mariner and her mother's relationship can be so relatable . Like at times I swear I've had some of the same issues with my Mom about things just not Starfleet related.
The best thing about this, for me, is that it is a work place comedy that doesn't get into The Office or Parks and Rec range of cringey embarrassing obliviousness of characters that can happen.
I just love all of the little Easter eggs sprinkled throughout the series, even if I know I'm probably missing half of them.
I think it's hilarious whenever one of these shows up.
Andor is still ridiculously good. In case you were wondering!