And in case you didn’t notice, Hulu has a Comanche language dub of the movie.
Streaming 1: There Goes the Weekend
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
I've heard it's really good, but those spoilers for violence are a super hard nope for me, unfortunately.
[edit] And I really do appreciate the spoilers, askye!
I was SO WORRIED the entire film that the dog was going to die, but thankfully they did NOT go there.
I forgot to mention about the Comanche dub.
Steph if you are interested in seeing some of it I can see what the time stamps are for the violence so you can jump around it. Even though it is gory it isn't all through out the movie and it's not just random things made gory for the heck of it.
Tom I was too.
Ahhhhhhh the “bonus” Sandman episode(s)=so good!
Pleased with the OMitB finale. They are good at setting the hook for next season!
OMitB S2 Ep. 10
Finally they have someone pronounce "Chickasha" correctly.
An interview with Neil Gaiman, mostly about Sandman: [link]
LotR: TRoP
Any thoughts yet on LotR: The Rings of Power ?
So far: pretty people, pretty scenery, and a few likeable characters, but I'm unclear about where they are going with the story lines.
I watched the first ep, dcp; thought it was pretty but I'm too familiar with the text, and keep getting tripped up by the choices they are making.
Things like: Elrond was highly regarded for his family connections and wouldn't have been left out of a meeting for racist reasons. By this point in the canon timeline, Galadriel has fucked off east with Celeborn, who we haven't even met yet? The kingdom of Lindon would not have sent soldiers all the way to Mordor to oversee human villagers in case they still support Sauron. That was not a thing. The High King of the Noldor did not dictate who got to go to the Undying Lands: only the Valar could do that. Finrod died in Sauron's dungeons, eaten alive by werewolves, while trying to help Beren and Luthien steal a Silmaril.
I think I have to treat the show as an AU: there's too much they legally cannot talk about (anything about the Silmarils or the Exile of the Noldor, etc etc), and they are compressing the timeline of what they can talk about in order to up the dramatic quotient.
I hope it's good! I want to like it! But I am concerned.