Streaming 1: There Goes the Weekend
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
{{falls over in relief}}
::runs around screaming and Kermit-flailing::
(In fact, I found out four minutes after the announcement because I was obsessively checking Twitter, but here it is many hours later and I'm still running around screaming and Kermit-flailing.)
One of the sites I visit reviewer OFMD as a rom-com (yes, it specializes in reviews of romance novels).
OB1 Episode 3: This episode was a bit of a mess. I really don't understand how Rebel lady managed to exit the tunnel to help Obi-Wan without running into Reva or how Reva managed to beat Leia to the pilot and kill him. I mean, if there were multiple routes (which we didn't see any evidence of) why wouldn't Rebel lady have taken Leia by the fastest route to the pilot?
The Obi-Wan vs Vader encounter didn't work for me, either. If you're going to risk upsetting previous Canon you need to make it worthwhile to the audience and this just didn't do it.
Also, speaking of breaking Canon, apparently they really did kill the Grand Inquisitor or else there's some kind of con at play.
Nobody actually came out and directly said that he was dead. Plus, there's no body. Not even a Sith Funeral.
Funnily enough, I enjoyed this episode more than the first two. I don't care at all about canon, though. There's just way to much of it for me to remember any of it anymore. I really liked the makeup or whatever on the mole person, apparently played by Zach Braff, which is funny to me.
I thought Reva said he was dead and blamed it on Kenobi. If he is still alive he's at least not talking to anyone about how Reva stabbed him in the gut.
Ok, I just heard about First Kill coming soon to Netflix and it sounds like something we will want to discuss. Trailer: [link]