I thought that my post gotten eaten and ir did not.
Sorry about the over share that got left there.
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
I thought that my post gotten eaten and ir did not.
Sorry about the over share that got left there.
Oh no! I saw rumblings of the first part when I was trying to figure out if I missed something about Ed having a bum knee, because it was showing up in a lot of fanfic. And I still feel like I missed something-maybe a visual cue? And I saw it, on of all places, Reddit- which despite avoiding it for year, I find more satisfying than tumblr.
He has a knee brace on his left leg, at least when wearing the leathers.
That makes sense. I have bad eyesight and also watched on an iPhone or IPad, so tiny. I wasn’t sure if it was a “Buffy smells like vanilla” thing. I also read a lot of fic where I am not actually familiar with the source material (I read Stargate Atlantis, but I have watched like two episodes, I read Draco/Harry, but I only have skimmed most of HP books and movies) so mostly I don’t think about things like that. But I felt like I was paying attention to this show like I used to pay attention to Buffy or Dawson’s Creek.
The decoration theme in the beach house where we’re staying is primarily lighthouse-centric; I still haven’t watched OFMD, but just based on the knowledge I’ve picked up from myriad Tumblr posts, my reaction to the decor was “Oh, *Stede* is the lighthouse!”
You're supposed to avoid the lighthouse, Tep! It marks rocks you don't want to run into.
I am very into the lighthouse symbolism, btw, it's got nuance
You're supposed to avoid the lighthouse, Tep!
People forget this important point.
But the light is so mesmerizing!
Somewhere there is a transcript of a radio conversation. One is a US battleship advising the other party to the conversation to move. aside to avoid a collision The other keeps telling the battleship they need to change course. The second party eventually says that they're a lighthouse the battleship needs to change course. (You sank your own battleship!)
There are several variations of that floating around. They are all funny.