Ok, why did no one tell me about Severance?
We just started it!
Also, Heartstopper on Netflix is an absolute DELIGHT.
And we're about to start this!
Anya ,'Dirty Girls'
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Ok, why did no one tell me about Severance?
We just started it!
Also, Heartstopper on Netflix is an absolute DELIGHT.
And we're about to start this!
For those who like foreign dramas, I've been streaming Merlí. Sapere Aude on Netflix and enjoying it. It's about philosophy students and their professor at university in Barcelona. Apparently it's a sequel to a 3-season series about a beloved high school teacher and his students, though I didn't manage to catch the parent series before it left Netflix. It kind of reminds me of The White Shadow, only with philosophy in place of basketball.
It kind of reminds me of The White Shadow, only with philosophy in place of basketball.
That is an intriguing description!
Ok, why did no one tell me about Severance?
Although I think you get the credit that I eventually did check it out, so if you are just going to blame me for my own procrastination I don't know how I can deflect that. Dammit.
Hec and I are just getting started on Severance, and we +Matilda bolted through the first four episodes of Heartstopper last night and are all super-smitten.
we +Matilda bolted through the first four episodes of Heartstopper last night and are all super-smitten.
I'm a huge fan of the webcomic, but the format of a comic is really constraining, so I love that the show has allowed room for characters other than Nick and Charlie to be more fully fleshed out. Elle (my perfect precious angel baby), Tao, Tara, and Darcy are really great.
I love that the show cast actors who are closer to high-school age (mostly 18 and 19, I think) and actually look and act like kids in high school, as opposed to Riverdale, or 90210 back in the day. Plus they were really committed to representation and the casting call for Elle specified a trans actor, and (I think) for Tao the casting call specified an Asian actor.
I'm also amused that the show apparently adhered to the unwritten rule that British shows must have Olivia Colman.
Oliver was in his English class today, and they were making a list of things that were good in the world (after making a list of things that sucked). The first on Oliver's list: "The inherent homosexuality in pirates, cowboys, and vampires."