Oh, no! Thanks, Dana.
Streaming 1: There Goes the Weekend
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
I saw that one of the streaming services (? I think?) will be running a 20th Anniversary Harry Potter ... thing. I didn't pay that much attention ... except Daniel Radcliffe has grown up very nicely. The Empress will be pleased.
I am both looking forward to and dreading the Wheel of Time series starting on Friday. I know the books had some problems and were also way too long/too many but I got hooked on them when they were first coming out and feel the good far outweighed the bad, overall.
So I watched the first episode of Wheel of Time last night. They made a lot of changes from the books, which is to be expected. I'm okay with most of them, but I'm really questioning some others.
1) Why give Perrin a wife only for her to have no real lines or characterization and then kill her off?
2) Why change Mat from mischievous to full-on criminal? And why change his parents into shitty people?
3) This one is petty, but Why change Two Rivers from the name of the region to the name of the village?
Sometimes they seem to change things just for the sake of changing them ... maybe to feel they have more creative ownership of the thing (I've seen it in other things, so ....)
Yeah, I don't know. Maybe they're setting things up later that we just haven't hit yet.
Watched the rest of the available episodes. I love this version of Thom Merrilin. He's not quite the same as book!Thom but I like him just as much already.
Really disappointed that the snarky innkeeper turned out to be a Darkfriend. She was awesome.
So folks online are speculating that Perrin's wife was a Darkfriend and was about to kill him. Hence her apparent fridging was actually more complex than that.
I'm curious if any non-book readers watched Wheel of Time, and if so what you thought?
I'm pretty sure I read the first book in the early '90s, but I don't remember it at all.
So far, the show has some very pretty scenery, but I'm not much taken with the stories or the characters at all yet.
I can see that. The first episode in particular felt really rushed. I know the showrunner wanted 10 episodes including a 2 hour pilot and Amazon gave him 8 1 hour episodes and made him change a lot of stuff in the pilot he did make. I'm hoping with the group split up we'll get more focus on individual characters, like we did with Rand and Mat in the last episode.