Ahhh! I thought it dropped on Friday. Looking forward to an Amos-centric season.
Streaming 1: There Goes the Weekend
A place for shows presented as streaming only — for example Netflix Originals, Amazon Prime Streaming, Hulu Plus, Yahoo, and other sites. (Note: Shows that are part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe shall be discussed in that thread.)
Spoiler Policy: Spoiler font two weeks for content presented all at once. Content presented as weekly episodes may be discussed with no restrictions as it is released.
Huh, Firefly without Joss or the original cast? Not really Firefly.
I might like Firefly better without* Joss working out his issues. I'd miss his dialogue. I don't know why they'd remake a failed TV show.
*Edited to change "with" to "without," because words mean a thing.
I'd miss his dialogue.
Yeah, that's the thing: so much of Firefly is the dialog and characterizations. I remember comparing the pilot of SGA to the first episode of Firefly, and the difference was shocking: by the end of "The Train Job" you knew who those people were (all of them!) and what they wanted. By the end of the 2-hour SGA pilot you knew that... John Sheppard liked football.
For all his faults (and they are many) Joss can show you who these characters are, vividly and quickly.
I don't know why they'd remake a failed TV show.
Streaming services are looking for content that they know will bring in an audience, and Firefly has a cult following, still shows up on lots of favorite geeky lists, while not being so big as to prevent them from expanding the universe. The creators would have a lot more room to play with Firefly than with, say, Stargate.
And they are desperate for content to win the streaming wars: Disney today announced they options Megan Whalen Turner's The Thief series, which is... not something I would have expected.
I'll watch a Firefly reboot, but I'm prepared to be underwhelmed.
Oh, wow, I’m excited about The Thief, now!
Also, I checked my notes (good job, past me, documenting trivial stuff) and I was early in season 2 of The Expanse, but I still might be able to catch up. Too bad work expects me to work and not watch Amazon Prime all day.
I watched S5E01 of The Expanse last night, and I was not disappointed. This season covers one of my favorite books in the series, so I'm pretty stoked. (I am expecting bigger changes than in seasons' past, since S6 will be the last one and they've still got 4 more books to cover. But since the authors are also the lead writers/producers on the show I'm at least confident they won't GoT it in the final stretch.)
My younger son has watched the first few seasons of The Expanse (I think he's read the books too, but we've bought him so many Mars books, I'm not positive). He wants us to start watching after he finishes this semester. I'm always heartened when someone here already enjoys a thing someone in my family wants me to watch.
The show really hit its stride in S3, I think - for the first two seasons I was never quite sure if I liked the show because I loved the books or if it was actually good. But S3/S4 were fucking amazing.
Oh, wow, I thought season 1 and 2 were amazing! Note - still watching season 2. I do keep getting confused about what things I saw on screen and what I read because I started reading the books after watching at least some of season 1 so the pictures in my head are heavily informed by the show
Stupid work getting in the way of my binge-watching
Roku finally has the HBO Max app.