But she already has the Internet supporting her.
Finally, a viable strategy for victory next time a cheetah is attempting to chew my forehead off: "The lurkers support me in e-mail!"
'A Hole in the World'
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
But she already has the Internet supporting her.
Finally, a viable strategy for victory next time a cheetah is attempting to chew my forehead off: "The lurkers support me in e-mail!"
As I put together these quotes, I am pondering questions such as: "Do ita's parents need to know that she may or may not have seen Carrot Top naked?"
Dude, no one does!
I keep thinking how fucking frustrated she'd be to not be able to come set us straight, now that we're introducing new elements to the cheetah story. And it is weirdly comforting to know that I'd know that about her.
It's weird, before I even saw
Please, no one ever believe I'm dead unless I come here and tell you myself.today, I was having one of those mundane dreams, reading the board, and a new ita post appeared that I had just started to read.What jolted me awake was that my brain got really mad at me for even taunting me like that in dreamland because that's the kind of hope I can't have. And I'm a big fan of hope, but that kind is false.
I think I shall watch Les Pacte des Loupes tomorrow, in ita's honor. Or perhaps Crouching Tiger.
Transcendence, I'm telling you. My computer now randomly shuts off when I'm reading this thread.
And you know if anyone could do it, it would be ita.
Oh and she is, Raq. She is.
Those are a few of my happymaking things
Aw. I just turned on the radio to do the dishes to after having dinner with Ellen (Yay Ellen!), and it was a jazz show playing a riff on "My Favorite Things" and it just made me sad.
a new ita post appeared that I had just started to read.
After over ten years since he passed away, I still have dreams about being at my grandparents' house, and being the only one who thinks it's strange that Grandpa is present.
I've decided that those dreams are Grandpa saying "hi" from wherever he is now.
Transcendence, I'm telling you. My computer now randomly shuts off when I'm reading this thread.
I wasn't going to mention this, because most of me thinks it's nonsense. But. I know Kristen said the authorities think ita may have died on Saturday sometime.
I woke up around 2 a.m. Saturday (into Sunday) with a blinding headache. Not the kind I normally get. It was so intense I thought for a moment I had a stroke (hey, I was half-asleep). I must have woken Tim up, because he asked what was wrong, and I told him I had a headache so bad I was afraid to move my head. And then I realized that if I could talk I wasn't having a stroke. I got up, took ibuprofen, got a hot beanbag for my head, and it was gone by morning.
Most of me knows it was just a headache. But when I read the news about ita, and the possible timing of her passing, part of me wonders if that was her on the way out.
I know it's ridiculous. But still.
Did it feel like a pinky pressing into your brain?
It felt like Glory sticking both hands into my brain.
It really did scare me for about 2 minutes. I've never had a headache like that, not a migraine, not a hangover from hell, nothing.