Simon: Captain... why did you come back for us? Mal: You're on my crew. Simon: Yeah, but you don't even like me. Why'd you come back? Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?


ita's thread

A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.

JZ - Jan 14, 2015 7:57:03 pm PST #473 of 3157
See? I gave everybody here an opportunity to tell me what a bad person I am and nobody did, because I fuckin' rule.

damn, caught in a double-post. Removing, but so as not to just leave it blank, here is an exchange in COMM about ita:

In Natter:

PC: So I just listened to Amber Benson read about blowjobs, ejaculation, semen, and "pussy blood." It was hilarious.

billytea: Let me guess. She clicked on ita's links.

msbelle - Jan 14, 2015 7:57:20 pm PST #474 of 3157
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

on games and university

"For sheer pissed-offedness, we used to play Illuminati (no one would even take bathroom breaks), or Diplomacy (one turn per week, with plenty of time to negotiate inbetween).

I miss university."

Consuela - Jan 14, 2015 7:57:53 pm PST #475 of 3157
We are Buffistas. This isn't our first apocalypse. -- Pix

Oh, Ailleann, I'm so sorry to hear that. That's just awful. Your poor family.

P.M. Marc - Jan 14, 2015 7:59:59 pm PST #476 of 3157
So come, my friends, be not afraid/We are so lightly here/It is in love that we are made; In love we disappear

Hey, you! I was so sorry to read about your sister on FB. Been a rough few months for too many of us. It's good to see you here, though.

msbelle - Jan 14, 2015 8:05:16 pm PST #477 of 3157
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb


"Afternoon naps make all the difference. I used to work 7am to 3:30, nap and stay out all night. It was the most fun, but employers like that are hard to find in these parts."

Zenkitty - Jan 14, 2015 8:05:47 pm PST #478 of 3157
Every now and then, I think I might actually be a little odd.

Ailleann, I'm so sorry about your sister and her family! That's unbelievably awful. So much grief, I'm sorry. It is good to see your pixels again, though.

msbelle - Jan 14, 2015 8:08:40 pm PST #479 of 3157
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

"Once, just once I enjoyed playing volleyball. It was a game of discovery. I discovered that I was 6 inches taller than the last time I tried it, and that height makes a difference. I discovered that playing drunk also helps. I discovered that I will not disrobe to score my team more points. And I discovered the joy of trash talking. And that the geeks could kick the asses of the salespeople."

DavidS - Jan 14, 2015 8:08:47 pm PST #480 of 3157
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

Hey Ailleann, was just reading your posts back in 2006.

Where I also found ita talking about her sister:

My sister succumbed to the lure of a dress she didn't need yesterday. Priciest dress she's ever bought. She sent pictures last night. Damn, with my whole trying to mix it up a bit I haven't hit a note like that. Cream coloured dress covered in large butterflies. Sheath with an empire waist and large pleats that start mid-thigh. Low round neckline, no sleeves, and the kicker is the bow on the left strap. Oh, and piping. Orthoepy would love the detailing, I swear.

Excellent job.

Just looking at that syntax and language I'm realizing how ita-ish that is.

Plus the sister love.

I woke from a nap today in that liminal state where reality is still a couple degrees behind my conscious waking brain and realized: "Oh no, a Buffista died. ita will be so sad."

Then my rational brain came online.

msbelle - Jan 14, 2015 8:10:19 pm PST #481 of 3157
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

"The start of the baseball season marks the interruption of my basketball coverage. But it's a harbinger of the NBA finals, and Wimbledon. So it's not all evil."

msbelle - Jan 14, 2015 8:11:04 pm PST #482 of 3157
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

"Me, I like hot days and warm nights. Anything to get the blood flowing to my fingertips and back."