love it.
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
love it.
I won't know what to not click on.
The last time we really, really talked was at the holidays. She was having a hard time and asked if she could come stay with us.
The last time we shared 400sq ft. This time, I could offer a guest room and Kristen said she'd call to get a direct tv hookup in there. She said we were angels, and that was pretty much it.
Omg Raq! Right? I swear it is solely because of ita that I know about 2girls1cup and goatzee and who knows what other horrors. And she loved that, she loved grossing us out and linking up to some completely inappropriate thing.
I won't know what to not click on.
I think secretly I always had half an eye on making ita laugh. Like, it's great to be COMM'ed, but if ita laughed...
Again, I feel like we had a similar relationship with her. We didn't have much personal interaction, really, but I respected and admired her so much, especially for challenging basic assumptions and not just going with the party line.
She said we were angels,
Well, you are.
I loved her awful links.
I loved her awful links.
Me too. And I almost always clicked on them. And then regretted it. And then laughed that she got me again.
I loved her awful links.
Well, of course you would. You're still covered in Pony Blood two years on.