You do, Sean. And when you do, remember that whatever Blue Mountain beans you have gotten hold of, they are probably not as good as what ita could have gotten. But still damn good because Blue Mountain.
As I recall, she didn't even drink coffee, just smelled the grounds.
It's an amazing smell. Even when I'm using crap beans for budget reasons.
I still have a little bit of Blue Mountain a friend brought back from Jamaica for me.
I had a near-tea emergency yesterday. ita would have been able to help.
Many years ago, ita's mother sent me two huge bags of Blue Mountain. It was amazing.
I was flipping channels on TV last night and Serenity was on one of the Cinemax channels. It's like even the TV knew.
* sigh*
Steph, thanks for posting that link, I'd forgotten all about her Flickr feed. So many beautiful photos of her, I'm totally going to download them all.
Excellent. When we have something for her family, perhaps we should remind her sister about that Flickr account, in case she forgot it.
I am looking through old threads, just found:
ita, did you see the naked wet man I linked to?
That was a post from Tommyrot. And of course that is something we post.
Buff diving:
ita: So does the sentence "she literally fucked me" mean ANYTHING any more?
Buff diving:
Kiba Rika: ...anyone sacrificing goats to me? Didn't think so.
I prefer mints anyway. They smell MUCH nicer.
ita: I'm open to sacrificial goats. Anoint them with curry powder and some cream of coconut, and rack them up. Ta, ever so.
Susan and Amy's plans seem especially appropriate now.