The Pink Gingham Ting rosette JZ made for me is on my window just behind my monitor, so it's always in view.
(To my right I can see the card given when the Buffistas all pitched in money to help us get a new car, when we desperately needed it because I was still commuting cross Bay to Emmett's school.)
I think of Ginger any time I see some classic science fiction or fantasy art that I want to share, especially artists like Kelly Freas who she knew personally, and collected his work.
Think about Ed any time the Dodgers do anything good, or I want to share something about the Kinks.
Saw a dragon fountain rigged with LED lights so it looks like he's spewing fire, and wanted to share that with Connie.
Think about Ouise when I see Gorey's Dracula sets, because I sent her the Gorey toy theatre for xmas exchange one year.
Thought about my friend Todd, who died of Covid in January, when I was in Japantown and saw a cool t-shirt with not just Godzilla but the even more rare Jet Jaguar.
JZ's dad's birthday is 6/26. Hers is 6/27. Mine is 6/28 (so is Deb's!). He's always going to be clustered in with our birthdays.
And she's not dead, but I do miss Madrigal and will sometimes disconsolately search on her real name and see if she turns up.