Olaf the Troll ,'Showtime'
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
(Deray McKesson was my next door neighbor's college roommate.)
That's a lovely excerpt.
FB reminded me of Ginger's birthday. It resulted in warm memories of her brilliance, and her awesome home library, and her love. I didn't cry! Yes, it still hurts but instead of shaking my fist at FB I just smiled. So progress.
I saw that, too. And yeah, still hurts.
Me too.
I was going to post something heartfelt, but JZ said the perfect thing.
I left a message on Ginger's page for her birthday about Stacy Abrams...if she were here, we would talk about Abrams lots so it seemed right.(and left)
If Ginger's energy is out there it is pulling for Abrams for sure. High hopes for Georgia doing the right(or left as the case may be) thing. I saw your message and agree completely.
I've called voters in Georgia...may again, I don't know, I signed up for everything a month ago, but when I do, she's on my mind a lot.