Love it!
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
it's that time of year when I would threaten to send you a full-sized fuzzy costume and you hated it and me for it, and I wish you were still here to get angry at me being stupid.
At least it would've been pink. She'd have liked that part.
I went on Facebook today and had one of those "Friendsiversary" messages from FB: 9 years ago Ginger & I friended on FB.
Oh, honey, I'm sorry. I occasionally get messages from Linked In suggesting Ginger as a contact. Hurts every time.
Can Linked In just stop that shit? The main reason I never signed up for it is the unrelenting flood of suggestions for contacts. I didn't want to see it mine my contacts and flood their emails as well.
It felt more bittersweet to me. . . the universe (or at least FB's version of it) has not forgotten her.
But really FB: figure out a protocol for this situation already!
I've actually wondered if we should notify some of the online things of their deaths.