I thought of her and Omnis. He would have loved it too.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Ginger, too.
Fuck. Cancer, migraines, all the ills to which these vessels fall prey, fuck 'em all. Fucking mortality.
was really glad I finally found this password, because ita sent it to me. Is that weird?
No, not weird at all.
I thought of ita so strongly during the Amazon training scenes. The choreography seemed so real and vital. I kept wondering if she would think that particular kick was landed correctly, or if that throw could actually happen.
It was the only part of Wonder Woman that bumped me out of the story...for the best reasons.
I was certainly thinking of ita as I learned the 7 elbows of Krav Maga last weekend.
I should have expected the hit, and yet. My summer binge viewing has begun with Elementary. After watching the first 9 episodes and being enthralled, the next logical step was to hit the old thread from 2012 to read the discussion of the beginning of the series. First two posts, ita and Ginger. Really universe, why you gotta do me like that?
Really universe, why you gotta do me like that?
Cause she's a bitch, like the rest of us.
Reading through the Procedurals thread in conjunction with my Elementary watching has been a wonderful trip down memory lane despite the pain. Mostly I love being reminded what happened when you would post something without thinking it through and/or having your defenses ready. How many times did we panic when hit with a pointed ita challenge to some post? That said, I so enjoyed this quote that I wanted to see it again.
"Me being wrong before doesn't affect my conviction now." ita 2/23/13