I have several images from the dropbox download/upload of ita's provocateuse files that did not come through and will not open for me. Is there anyone who has the source material and can look them up? I could get you a list.
For example, from the best of group: jeremy_renner_99
When I went back to the Wayback Machine, I couldn't find any of the missing photos. For whatever reason, they weren't in any of the snapshots.
I've got an image in the best of folder labelled Joel McCartney. That is not a name I have ever heard of and as I do in those cases, I googled it to verify spelling and what not. nothing comes up. I actually think it is Ian Somerwhatsit. Can someone verify?
PMM - I will post to you on fb, will that work? or do you have access to the folder on dropbox?
I don't, I don't think, have access to it. But that might work better--is that a place where I could *leave* pictures for you? (I wasn't kidding about sorting and filing my tragic CEvans photo collection.)
I am seeing if I can find the dropbox logins to send you. but I did post to fb.
I thought of you a lot today, more than normal days. I laughed out loud and cried thinking of us (you, Jesse, and me) doing the beginning of Let's Go Crazy at the karaoke place and Joe not knowing it (it really was a sign of how wrong that was). One of a million good times. We blasted Prince driving around Detroit also, but I don't remember the specifics just that it was fun and silly and easy. miss you.