I think Stiles might be more Willow than Xander. Also, a better actor who is really quite compelling.
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
What he is is pure spastic love.
Other favorites: the ridiculous coach, the really over acted Argent mom (who looks more like a wolf with out any make-up than any of the actual wolves), and Danny.
I don't know, get a look at Derek's eyebrows, ears, and teeth and then play the game of Werewolf Prosthetics or Hoechlin Just Looks Like That? >[link]
HA! There is that, especially from certain angles. I forgive a lot of that though for the sheer prettiness of the rest of the package.
I have now finished S2. Where was this discussed, if anywhere, on the board?
S3 looks like a bunch of new cast introduced. I need ppl to die if we are getting new ppl. Thus far dead ppl seem to not stay dead so the cast is just growing. Too many new ppl is a lot of possibility for more over acting and while I can tolerate a lot in my fluff, there are limits.
Sadly, only one of the new Season 3A people can actually act.
But Colton is gone! At least for the start. Is this when he got Arrow? I will not miss his angry face method of "acting".
Yeah, apparently he fled Executive Producer Grabby hands (as a friend of mine on another board refers to Davis) pretty quickly after Season 2 wrapped.
Ewwwww. That is disturbing. Now I feel bad for the actors.
Lucifer is getting good now. I was shocked at the end of last episode. Didn't expect that at all.
I think that it was the fake ones.