I love us, even without a like button. Love Lee especially, and Nilly, too.
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
I am old, and scattered, though.
You are not either thing! Silly.
I ♥ Lee.
Nilly, you're always going to be a special person in my life, even though I've never had the pleasure of meeting you. You're an exemplary of thoughtful kindness. I miss your text on the screen, but when it emerges, I'm always delighted that you're having a beautifully realized life.
And Lee, you do what needs done and that's just lovely. I'll send you extra spoons (cause I know you used them) soon as I find some.
ita's sister would like to see the descriptions that go along with the photos we collected, so if it is okay, I will copy and paste what you all said in email or on Facebook into the Flickr descriptions. If this is not okay, please let me know, and tell me what you would like added instead.
This will probably take me a few days to do, so please don't worry if yours doesn't get done immediately.
I'm fine with it. Do you need help doing it, Lee?
I could just comment on my photo, if that's helpful.
Oh! Or that.
That would work too!
Okay, I will just fill in the blanks if any are missing in a day or so.
Lee, whatever I said with mine is yours.