Oooh, or Cas Tastes Like Carrots (Cas Tastes Like... was one of her tumblrs).
Mal ,'Heart Of Gold'
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
That is on the nose.
1. Tough women(My mother is also a big fan and says things like "The police officer at the store reminds me of your friend ita. She is pretty and nice, but she could eat you for lunch if you fucked with her.") and I have to agree that that's ita.
2. Ting, because it is so unique and a mixture of tart and sweet, much like the woman herself.
3. When I made her laugh by describing an English faith healing, complete with tennis applause.
4.Her advice for a dry spell, where you think of all the gross people you didn't do it with.
5. For a long time, metal detectors, because the first time I ever talked to her, we sort of riffed on this commercial with this old guy digging up quarters on the beach or something like that, and after that she wasn't too cool for me to talk to.She was always very good at saying unexpected things that made me laugh after the fact.
6. When accents sound funny onTV shows.And when they don't.
7. Homicide, sometimes, because she liked Kay as much as me.
8. When I take extra time when posting or writing to make sure I really say what I mean, because though we always got along, sometimes I know my natural imprecision made her crazy. When I make the effort, sometimes I feel like she could be sitting over my shoulder reading and nodding approvingly, as if to say "See, I knew you could do it. Clear and tangent-free. Go you." It feels good, even though I'm not sure that she would do that(at least, not all of it)
erika, I love those. Thank you for sharing.
When I take extra time when posting or writing to make sure I really say what I mean, because though we always got along, sometimes I know my natural imprecision made her crazy.
I am so erika in this!
I've been rewatching Flashpoint in ita's honour. I've timed it so that I can be with the last episode at 4pm tomorrow. Sad. Sweet. Fin.
I can't believe how often I think of ita.
I'm happy we are observing ita day.
You're welcome, Nora. I wanted to do something, even if I'm not that good at digging out the camera. My top is pink today, also. I might watch "Girlfight" tomorrow on HBO. Unless my cable box is not just having its usual 'sode.
I'll be reading comics later today and wearing black and pink. (Lee, I'll send photos in a bit.)
Has anyone heard from Allyson recently? I was thinking today might be especially rough for her.
I've had some dark pink in my black hair for three weeks now. I'll renew it this week.
Avatar in Twitter also temporarily changed.
Much ~ma to all of you, buffistas and all families and friends of ita.
I've decided I am going to try making hardo bread for reals even though I'm not half the baker ita was. Not sure it will be done by 1 however, but it'll be done when it's done.