So tempted to try to make hardo bread
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Definitely hitting up the Jamaican food vendor at market on Saturday.
I just bought a pink shirt because I realize I only have fuchsia things and that is not right. I am thinking about what to do- it seems more ita to try. something new to me rather than something that I already do as a matter of course.
I am thinking about what to do- it seems more ita to try. something new to me rather than something that I already do as a matter of course.
Kicking a guy in the nuts is traditional.
I admit that the troll part of me wants to eat eggs in her honor, because she hated them so.
But if there's anything beyond this life, I don't want to piss ita off, so I will limit myself to wearing pink gingham and watching some Community.
Wait. YOU GUYS. We should all post links to the worst shit we can find!!!
I got the photos, Steph. I sent a couple to ita's sister, and will add several others to the collection.
Great -- thanks for doing that!
And I really SUPER hate that I'll be making a lantern for Ginger in 2016. Damn it.
Wait. YOU GUYS. We should all post links to the worst shit we can find!!!
Oh yes we shall cause one another to want to gouge our own eyes out and it shall be glorious.
Kicking a guy in the nuts is traditional
Wonder if I can convince CJ to assist. I'm sure once I explain the reason he will be game.
Links to rival ita's links? Now that is a scary idea.