I will have gotten back from London a week prior, and while it's doable time-wise, I don't think I'll have the money or the spoons to manage it.
Book ,'Serenity'
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
We could do a virtual get together. Use this thread as a place to share memories and such.
That's a good idea, Pix. Maybe for ita and Ginger?
That's what I was thinking.
I can coordinate a virtual get together (a Google Chat?), if you'd like one.
I'm not good with video chats. It's the introvert in me. But I'll gladly participate in anything here.
Last time that's actually what happened - most people preferred to write in the chat window and not to speak.
So, would an online chat be better? Or do you prefer to do it here?
I just wanted to check if something was in the works in case I needed to take time off from work. Sounds like no, and that is fine; I definitely do not want to put any pressure on anyone to do any organizing or what have you.
That being the case, I'm guessing we can wait until the holiday season winds down a bit before we need to nail down the details of whatever we do decide to do. Scheduling One More Thing would probably be hard for a lot of us at the moment.
Damnit, I just went into Boxed Set to catch up on Doctor Who talk, and there were posts from Ginger. I can't believe we have to do this again.
Ten days ago I had surgery and it was not a surprise that I was a big cry baby about the whole thing. Every day when I wince and have my little pity party I get flooded with the memory of what ita and Ginger endured daily for years. It breaks my heart that they had so much pain and suffering in their too short lives. That memory hurts more than the recent surgery, and I know it will last much longer.