nothing to add but - I love you, Nilly! always a beautiful thing to see your words.
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
I think of her every time "Every Kiss Begins With Kay" airs in commercials cause one Valentine's she said "So does Kiss My ass" Nilly, sometimes it still seems like she's in Jamaica and not posting. But she would have said something about Obama and patois so sometimes I remember all over again.
Seeing Johann Urb proposing to Julia Louis Dreyfuss in those Old Navy commercials always makes me think about ita cheerleading on his behalf. Though I suspect she'd be telling commercial Johann that he'd just dodged a bullet.
Nilly, my darling dear, I love you more every time you turn up and post something beautiful and thoughtful and full of your ineffable Nillyness!
It's always so, so good to see you here, and I love knowing that you're *there*, too, reading and catching up when you can.
lly, my darling dear, I love you more every time you turn up and post something beautiful and thoughtful and full of your ineffable Nillyness!
Yes, to both, and everything else everyone said. It is always so wonderful to see your words, even when they are on a painful subject.
There are three awesome people in that photo.
Aw, yisssss.
Skimmed up above. Wanted to mention, for Trianglistas in particular, that we've got a local chapter of Black Girls CODE opening here if anyone wants to donate in ita's name. [link]
x-posted to F2F and Press:
We’ve decided through discussion and consensus that those who wish to celebrate ita’s life together in LA will gather over MLK weekend next January. We will gather the weekend of Jan 16-17. I don’t plan to book an official hotel or venue, but I’ll list a number of options in the Santa Monica area so people can find something that works for them (or share place using airbnb or similar). We will plan to gather on Saturday the 16th for dinner and to share memories at a restaurant to be determined. Sunday will be open for people to spend together or in smaller groups at the beach or area attractions.
Please mark your calendars if you want to attend so you can save up for it or make appropriate plans. All are welcome.
Please use this thread for further discussion.