I feel very much as sarameg does, that it's their business, not the board's. ita's family has taken care of her remains.
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
None of us have a right to know anything about it. It doesn't change the fact that she is gone. Her family has remembered her life as they saw fit, and it is up to each of us to remember her the same way. If there is a gathering in the future, I'm sure it will be noted on the board for those who want to participate.
Long story short: I agree with sarameg and Burrell.
I understand well the urge to know why, particularly when we watched ita suffer for such a long time. But of course the family privacy is to be respected.
It is my understanding that a July Buffista gathering is being considered.
I feel a towering resentment against the medical community who refused to treat, or treat adequately, someone who desperately needed help. And from that perspective I have that urge to know why Laura mentioned. I want to hope that ita's experience could call the community to task, and cause a change in attitude and willingness to treat sufferers with no or few other options.
That's the only reason I would want to know. But that, too, is her family's to pursue or not. We can only support them in whatever decisions they make.
I think curiosity is natural, especially considering what ita had shared with us about her medical history and all the horrible care she received. But as so many wise folks have noted, that is now in the hands of the family to share or not. Which I completely respect.
There have been so many times I want to come here to read her opinion on a show or pictures, especially Aquaman, before I remember. And then my heart breaks again.
I've been watching "The Great British Baking Show" and when the contestants bring their offerings to the judges, it's often referred to as "bring it to the gingham" ... and I think of ita.
The Afghan Whigs were here playing this week, and as usual, I wrote something to a music blog that a friend of mine runs. I'm mentioning it here because I dedicated it to two people: Renee, a friend of mine from the Dulli community who passed away in 2012, and ita.
I translated the piece for the Dulli board, and if you'd like, I can post it in the music thread here too.
Almost enjoyed the season finale of "Sleepy Hollow," but then I wondered what ita would have thought of destroying the Fenestella. Then I was sad.
Perhaps one day her family will write something suitable for posting on the board. Or not.
Would never pry into anything not public, but color me curious. If the board were to discuss medical information, we would all learn something about the brain and the medical establishment. I am totally biased because I loathe doctors already; and having added up the number of accidents, blows and insults to my head, well. That bears some thought on my part.
I don't want to discuss it. I prefer to not know.
Well, if the information comes out I'll read it, because in some way that's how I am, but as far as understanding why that happened, (shrugs) As they say on Homicide "You never get the why, only the how or the who."