Moji is going to contact them when they get back to Jamaica this week. They are pretty raw right now.
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
That's exactly what I was wondering. Thanks for clarifying that for me, Allyson.
I would just like to thank everyone who did things, plus everyone who has such thoughtful plans for the future, for knowing you were there to see it through brought me great comfort.
My two cents is that JZ’s plan to collect ita’s words about her illness is that the document will be thoroughly researched, beautifully written and sure to be a tool to engage the medical establishment in a meaningful way. Thus it has potential to help relieve someone’s pain, somewhere and someday, so I hope the paper comes to fruition as I foresee. Please LMK if a little assistance from me would be helpful…
I want to tell the group that I need to keep a paper copy of the part of the thread where everybody was happy to see me post. Never have I had so many sequential tackle hugs.
I will keep that paper tucked into the back of my datebook to bring me hope on days when I’m wondering whether I’m too tired to go on fighting the good fight. I had been particularly sad when I learned the news, and it was healing remembering how the board had always felt like home. I adore everybody’s shiny hair.
When ita's family is ready, I would love to be able to send a card to them. When my friend Phil died last year, his wife and family received many, many cards from all of his twitter peeps, and they said it was wonderful to read them all.
When ita's family is ready, I would love to be able to send a card to them.
Me too.
So say we all.
And Allyson's post in Press made me teary again.
I don't really have much of a relationship with a lot of my extended family by blood so that was very moving to read.
I as well. I was cleaning after my father passed away and came upon a pile of cards that I had saved. I had read them when they arrived, but didn't really process. It was so nice to read them again and remember the people who cared enough about me and my dad to send me a card.
Yes, I have reread some of the condolence cards I received years later and it is heart warming to read other people's memories. I'd hoped to send something to them after they get back home.