Beautiful to see the pictures. Lots of pretty. Lee must be taking the pictures! The one of K giving the camera person a look kinda cracked me up. Heart warming to see you guys together.
'Heart Of Gold'
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Lee, are you going to add names to pics?
I can, but probably not until tonight.
Thanks for putting them up, Lee.
I really love the pictures of Allyson with bon baby. SO cute!
I was listening to something last night, and heard someone say "You've got another think coming" and got so sad, because that is an argument I will never have with ita again! It might have been the only thing I ever argued with her about because she is so precise and I am so conflict averse, but it was actually sort of fun!
But I had to turn off what I was listening to, because I was too sad.
I was just thinking about that particular dispute, Sophia. People are going to say either version and be bewildered that I get all sad and quiet.
So lovely, all of you. I loved the pink gingham accessories, and bon's baby boy is adorable and so happy.
Sophia, I said it yesterday, and then I just kind of shut up and walked away. The other person was confused, but I wasn't up to explaining it.
Thanks, Lee. No hurry, I know you've got/had a lot on your plate.
Is this Polgara?
Sorry about the iTunes stress!
Yep, that's me, after several mimosas. No worries on the iTunes insanity, it turned out to be a good thing I brought the laptop, 'cause the restaurant had free wi-fi so I was able to call up the flickr ita group and run it as a slideshow during the event, which kept ita's dad enthralled for a good half hour.
Thanks again for the music! I'm afraid people probably didn't hear all of it over the talking and reminiscing, but it was still good to have, and I'm glad to have it for myself. I'll also be adding it to a thumb drive for Moji to take with her, along with your email explaining the importance of some of the selections.
I'm afraid people probably didn't hear all of it over the talking and reminiscing,
Oh, I didn't expect people to sit there holding hands listening to each song. But maybe smile as they heard bits and pieces of it between the conversation. Or possibly curse at me for using certain crypoint songs.
and I'm glad to have it for myself. I'll also be adding it to a thumb drive for Moji to take with her, along with your email explaining the importance of some of the selections.
Awww, that really makes me happy.
Thanks for posting pics, Lee. I'll try to get mine posted somewhere as well.
The one of K giving the camera person a look kinda cracked me up.
I love that one. It is so K. She chided me for not knowing how to focus my new camera because phone camera! Easy to use! Which, true, but also new.