Bon baby snuggling is good for your soul.
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
Could someone re-link to ita's art page? There was a portrait of Ichabod she did that I loved and have been wanting to see again. Thanks a lot.
Here, Epic?
That brunch sounds wonderful, it's astonishing how powerful photos can be. Gotta admit, I keep visiting the FB page daily and going through all the photos again and again (even when I couldn't muster up the oomph to come read here). It's a joyous collection.
ION, I was just lurking on the o-deck, and the culture there is so different from ours -- one poster linked to John Moore's beautiful piece and was absolutely excoriated by most of the others for violating her privacy. Since she hadn't shared all that information with them already, it was not kosher to post that link, or to do anything but acknowledge that it existed somewhere. Some people don't even want a link to her obituary.
I can see how, if you squint real hard and tilt your head just right, posting a link like that could look a lot like a doxxing, since she didn't use her real name over there. But I also can't see what harm linking to her obit or other tributes could possibly do, under the circumstances. It's not like she has to worry about stalkers anymore.
Yeah, while I do think it's kind and thoughtful to want to respect her privacy, it also seems weird to be vehemently opposed to sharing a link to something published in major newspapers. It wasn't like the original poster shared a link to, I don't know, a private blog that they took days to find via crazy internet searching.
I mean, did they not even *want* to know about Moore's column? ita was clearly so very important to them, but they don't want to know how she's being memorialized? Do they know an obituary has been published? I assume even if they do, they won't discuss it. Which, again, feels a bit extreme to me, but I guess that's their board culture.
t edit Again, I see where their reaction is a kind one, being considerate of her privacy, and I know they're grieving hard, just as we are. I don't want to minimize that in any way.
The brunch sounds really lovely.
Thank you so much for that lovely obituary, guys, and for all the love and care you've given ita's family.
LAistas, you are awesome, and I miss every one of you.
I just finished reading this thread -- it was the one thing I couldn't keep up with, and also couldn't bear -- and now I just want to curl up and cry all over again.
Kiba's comment about ita being in the internet broke me entirely.
I'm so thankful to the LAistas, who all have the most beautiful hair.