That link isn't working for me, sara, but that's where that photo came from.
ita's thread
A place where we can talk about ita, miss ita, and share information about memorials. The hugging started over here in Natter.
The rest all have the orig uploads as well. My preference is smiling. She'd totally be giving you the stern librarian look and then her face just breaks into unholy glee.
Ok, the orig is 400x600.
Sorry, too many tabs open. Link and orig contain the same.
I love the middle one - she looks relaxed and happy and confident, and she's got the dark and very short hair she had for the last few years. The next one is still beautiful, but God it's so obvious that she's in some physical pain.
The middle one = the one with the coat? I like that one a lot
I like the one with the coat second best.
This tumblr of hers. [link] It's from 2013 onwards, so.
I still like this one from that self-portrait tumblr, which I linked either here or in Natter, I can't remember.
amyth, that's the one I was just going to link to! I also love this one.