Once it's set up, I'll donate myself and help spread the word on this to fandom and to the Women in Tech community.
I'm all in. I have a bunch of awesome tech ladies who I'm pretty sure would love to know about ita (less so fandom contacts anymore, but you do what you can...).
Hey, while the legend is building, let's not forget that a comet appeared in the sky to mark her passing. As happens with great people sometimes.
Boxed Set's title jumped out at me after reading the last little bit: hint of denial and dash of retcon...
I can't get the obit below $1590 unless I run it on a week day. How would ita feel about cheaping out on her obituary? It feels disrespectful to not run it on Sunday. Talk me through this?
Also, I need a way higher resolution pic of her. She looks pixelated. She would not approve of looking like an Atari game in the 80s.
Or maybe she would. I'm tempted to try and find her old Stor avatar.
Does it matter what day of the week it runs on? I have never heard of having them on Sunday.
I don't think it matters to us, but if it's important to you or her family, that's okay too. How much is the price difference?
What size is the photo in the obit?
I'd say, if her parents want it run on Sunday, or if it feels really important to run it on Sunday, then do that, and don't think twice about the price. That's one thing you truly don't need to add to your plate full of things to worry about.
It's $230 less if we run it on a weekday.
That's not that big a difference. Run it on Sunday if it feels important.