I've been following the Tumblr drama...some of which is relying shat has happened on Twitter.
There are some very anti Jared people on there but also some who ate very pro Jared and now are mad at Jensen for this.
And people who are talking about how Jared treated ppl on set or things like that.
Then there are the people who just don't like the prequel idea about Mary and John and want something else
Man, the horse is dead. Stop flogging it. Let it exist in peace and memory. Stop trying to squeeze another dime out of the franchise.
My two cents, anyway.
I think I’m with you Beverly.
(makes room on bench for sumi)
Man, the horse is dead. Stop flogging it. Let it exist in peace and memory. Stop trying to squeeze another dime out of the franchise.
The horse has been dead since season 7, but the lure of the filthy lucre is strong.
I am amused by all the anniversary of the first airing of SPN that has been occurring.
I've been watching MASH since my dad died, and Mike Farrell (playing B.J.) was driving me crazy until I realized he reminded me of Padalecki. Same tall, lanky frame, same smile, same steady kindness of Sam, even the voice -- or maybe the delivery -- is really similar.
Yeah, Amy, I can see that.
This is the best thing that will ever happen in Supernatural fandom. (Links are safe for work.)
Archive link: [link]