I'm used to being warned I need to scroll down (or warned that scrolling down is where the badness is) so I was thrown by having to navigate an image without thorough directions, I guess.
I'm gonna nope out of that theory, Cindy. Baby is pure and good.
Now I am sad because I got the final question wrong on SPN HQ. It was a pretty good quiz!
Wow. Not taking a break, I guess.
Huh. I don't know how to react to that.
My reaction is: he's rumored to be exec producer. They're rumored to be filming in Austin. He has three kids to put through college, a bar to support, an expensive house and properties to maintain and a lifestyle to which his wife has become accustomed to maintain. So the stay-at-home dad thing is out.
I wondered if they'd be filming in Austin. I'm just ... feeling like I'm not likely to watch that?
Yeah, me neither. I feel--no substantiation whatever--that Jensen will want to do movies. And he's bankable in several genres of movie. Jared I think is selling himself short by doing another series, when he said he never wanted to do another series--at least not for a long, long time.
I'm so irrationally fond of them, I actually worry. Like, I hope if Jensen wants to do movies, he can get some decent roles. Because secretly I think a little part of me wants him to "win".
I mostly just don't think the world needs more Walker Texas Ranger.
Also that. Or it could have been a woman Texas Ranger. A Latino one, even.