My local paper does things like give you a month free if you subscribe for 6. Maybe call and ask if they have any deals like that?
ETA: also, continuing job~ma, Calli. I am envious of your bike ride + groceries. I aspire to do that. And, really, the grocery store is within my range, I just have to actually do it. One of these days.
Grilled cheese sandwich achieved. Nom nom nom.
Something is wrong with my foot, so I didn't go for a walk, but I did clean the bathroom and kitchen, save the floors. Man, I HATE cleaning floors. That might be worth hiring someone for. I am not sure why I hate it so much.
What is it with people stealing my personal information in order to fulfill their entertainment needs? Before, someone got a hold of our Netflix login and was using it to watch random shit from England. Now someone has purchased a Hulu Plus gift card using my credit card. But there's no other charges! Who steals a credit card number and only buys $24 of access to old TV shows?
It's a current TV writer in Hollywood looking for ideas, and he doesn't want it tracked back to him.
Just sorting my laundry is going to take a long time. Taking an iced soy latte break now...
I shouldn't have checked the weather. High of 104 tomorrow. Yikes. Better remember to wake up early enough to go running before work...
Who steals a credit card number and only buys $24 of access to old TV shows?
Someone with really low ambition. I'd have charged as much computer equipment as your limit allowed, were I feloniously inclined. I'm sorry you have to deal with it, Dana, even at a fairly low level.
I am envious of your bike ride + groceries.
I'm lucky that my town has lots of bike lanes, which makes purposeful biking easier than it might otherwise be.
Someone checking to see if the numbers are good, Dana? Sorry that's happening, what a pain.
So yesterday I'm in my car in the drive thru lane at the bank. It's a long line, and the guy from the car in front of me is out and looking in the back of his car for something. He wanders back and starts chatting with me. Hubby has told me I need to actually interface with meat people on occasion, so instead of brushing him off I chat. The line moves forward, he drives up as well, it slows down again, he comes back to chat again. And proceeds to give me his card in case I "might want to talk", then asks if I'm single. I sympathetically say "No." He gets very embarrassed, stutters a bit, then goes back to his car. He does yell Bye as he finishes and leaves, so kudos for overcoming the embarrassment. I felt both imposed on and sorry for him. Here's a middle aged balding guy putting himself out there, only to run into a married woman. Plus, I'll be honest, it's been decades since someone not Hubby hit on me.
I actually have a not-even-on-the-street bike path that goes from near my house to the grocery store. I just lack the will.