[I do always shower before Tim comes home. Usually RIGHT BEFORE he comes home, but I am by god clean before he walks in the door.)
I remember those days when I would make sure to have outdoor clothes on and dinner started before TCG got home. I got over it at some point.
If not killing plants is the criterion of a responsible adult, then I don't qualify.
I married someone who keeps the plants alive. That probably doesn't count does it?
I'm in my robe, no bra, no shower - headed to karate, so will have to dress in my gi. Then home for a shower, not washing my hair cause I'm getting it colored tonight. After work I see my chiropractor then off to my hair gal. Wheeeee!
Sometimes plants die even if you do everything right. That's no measure of anything.
What I mean to say is - all those criteria for Being a Responsible Adult only work in the positive sense. Not doing any of them doe snot make you not a responsible adult. They are sufficient but not necessary conditions.
And work just took a turn and no karate for me, so no bra until after a quick shower.
I keep most of my plants alive, but I'm not doing much of anything on the kids front. In my case, not having kids was the responsible choice, though.
Not doing any of them doe snot make you not a responsible adult.
This is true, but also? I really like "doe snot" as something to say when I'm mad. "Doe snot, that sucks!"
Damn it, Amy, I was going to may a joke about doe snot, too!
Crap, can't keep plants alive. The kids are still alive, so there is that.
If we're making a choice of one or the other, I call this the responsible choice.