Damn, I know a good studio-and-a-half apartment for cheap, but wrong part of the country.
Apparently, avocados now make me burpy. Great.
Apparently, I am getting a ipad mini for my birthday, given the cover that just arrived for one. I think my parents are trying to keep my tech current (I'm probably due for a laptop upgrade soon. Lord knows I need to upgrade the OS, and who knows what that'll do to performance.) Maybe I'll use it for more than cat pics and when I travel?
My Chiropractor offered her a job today (she went with me as my external memory device). Not sure how serious the offer is, but they took her information. Part of the problem is that just before things went down with D, she left her steady job. She has been working odd jobs since and right now she is in her last week of clinical interning (which has been 40+ a week). She has July and August to build up what she can working as many hours as she can - odd jobs/steady job/both before school starts again.
Aaaand the midnight interview what interviews at midnight is done. Poor guy, he had about an hour's warning that he was doing this phone call.
But I think the call went well, which is really all that matters.
Well, I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I'm on my way to the international terminal.
And yet, also feel like I have way too much stuff.
Yay Jilli, do you know the timeline for a decision?
Have a wonderful trip! Remember to post pictures for those of us stuck at home working so we can be adequately jealous.
Have a great trip, travelers!!!