I took a half day today as I am without McFee or Grandparents and mac has band camp (he had it yesterday also, along with reading class - so I had to leave work 3 times during the day - remember the boss was being "gracious" or something and said just to do what I needed and didn't give me the half day vacation).
I am KILLING it with productivity today - 1st off, slept in 1 hour - GLORIOUS. Dropped E off, got coffee/breakfast, went to vet and got cat food and made appt for cats, went to grocery for mostly non-grocery stuff, went to office supply for 1st round of school supplies, came home and unloaded, got load of laundry in, cleaned litter boxes, and mopped kitchen floor.
I will leave to get mac's lunch and then mac in 10 min.
I also dealt with 3 work emails that were time sensitive, so they will not be oohing over me when I get in at 12:30.
I have been shifting our cleaning supplies over from what McFee liked to use (bleach, lots of disposables) to what I want to use (less chemicals, baking soda/vinegar/hydrogen peroxide, rags, and washable/reusable items) and have discovered that the swiffer, which she used both with dry dust catcher things and wet things to kind of mop, will hold about half of the front or back of an old worn out t-shirt perfectly for a non-diposable cleaner thingy. I just mopped the floor up this way. YAY cheap-o me. Cleaning supply costs will be going down significantly without McFee.