tommy, you & yours are on my thoughts.
Julie, that's encouraging!
So I missed a neighborhood vigil for McKenzie Elliot tonight, found out after the fact. There was a big media covered pols & police one last night, but this one was just for neighbors and friends, requested by her parents. Which I think is nice. Ran into a neighbor who'd gone, out walking his dog. He was musing on what else to do, how depressing it is to happen here. This, I said. What you have always done.Walk your dog, befriend all the other dog walkers, chat with your neighbors, mind the kids in the alley, organize them into a game ( this guy raised his boys here, has been a father figure to several of their peers in the hood. His favorite disaster story is the eldest of the current unattended youngsters and is a proud Marine now.) Gestured to the half dozen people on the field picnicking and tossing frisbees and balls around. The city adult league lacrosse game drafting spectators for enough player to round out the teams on the ballpark field. This is what we can do. Build a community.
And the we were talking about missing Tara and how we should caravan out to the Shore en masse and camp out on her new front porch. "You can leave Ednor Gardens, but we won't leave you!"
And he hugged me and said, thank you, I needed that.
And this is why I love this city and hood.
That's beautiful, sara.
And, Tommy, will keep your dad and family in my thoughts.
We leave for Las Vegas for a couple of days in the morning and I need to pack. Work just wore me the hell out this morning. I'm going to call in for a meeting in the morning but I hope I can just not think about it for a couple of days.
Good news, Suzi!! I hope it works very well for you.
Suzi, when I was on neurontin (for nerve pain), my doctor told me to just play with the dosage until I found one that helped the pain but left me able to function. I don't play a medical professional on TV, but I just thought I'd mention it.
Had a rather dull birthday. Busy at work all day, now just gonna hang at home. However, I DID wear my birthday present from my DH all day. We bought a new mattress and agreed that was going to be our anniversary/my birthday gift. To my surprise, he got me a Tiffany Key necklace. [link] I have always loved these but never thought I'd own one. It's quite my most expensive piece of jewelry, including my wedding ring. I am not usually a brand person, but I found that I kept telling people who complimented it today "It's from TIFFANY" in what I hope was not a really annoying way. I adore it.
Scrappy, that's lovely! And I'd be jazzed if I got something from Tiffany, too!
My shrink just prescribed me gabapentin to see if it will help with anxiety. I... don't really want to take it, but I guess I'll give it a try. This will probably be my last attempt at finding an antidepressant medicine that works and doesn't have intolerable side effects. I'd rather cope with the depression/anxiety than toss medicine randomly at my neurotransmitters anymore. The devil I know is preferable.
Oof. I'm now at Perkins in Shawano.
My dad has pneumonia and sepsis from not being able to swallow correctly. He still hasn't woken up.
It turns out the ER folks in Shawano violated my dad's DNR order when they intubated him and sent him on to Neenah. So we're not sure what'll happen now. Maybe if he gets "better" we can put him in a hospice, as the nursing home can't give him an IV so he'll just get dehydrated again if he goes back. The hospital is going to see if they can wean him off the intubation tube in the next 24-48 hours. Otherwise they'll remove it and let nature take its course.
We're gonna take my mom to see my dad tomorrow. Her Alzheimer's is worse, so lately when she's visited my dad and he wouldn't wake up for him she's gotten frustrated and has wanted to leave right away. She doesn't see to understand the seriousness of his situation.
Jesus, tommyrot. All the -ma in the world to you.