Ow Steph, it does seem unfair of the universe to pile it on that way. {Edited to add that was in response to migraine on top of sickness}
So many onerous tasks lately. Moving boxes, gluing chests of drawers, stripping rust from metal, looking for a reliable body shop to bring the car, back-to-school onerosity (yes, it's its own category). I'm not even including the visit to the lawyer to take care of the estate because that was just fine. I am ready for pleasant and deeply satisfying task day. When is it?
The view from my office as a storm comes up the valley
That's what I call a view!
Wow. That is amazing, Connie.
In other news, I have to brag a bit. Instead of my usual workout, I checked my maximums. I can now chest press 110 pounds and squat 185. I've been giddy about this all evening.
That said, I will be taking a lot of ibuprofen before going to bed...
Anne, that's so badass. I really need to get serious about weights. You're such an inspiration.
Thank you! I've gotten so much out of weight lifting, not just physically, but mentally as well.
I caught up in Natter! I wasn't sure that would ever happen.
I should be cleaning all the things since my parents are coming to visit in two days. I just realized their last visit was in 2006. Wow.
I should also be putting together my application materials for the job I've been doing since mid-November. For my references, should I just include their current title/place of employment or that plus the places we worked together?
I think the second one? Although it kinda seems like you ought to be able to just say "I accept the position" and be done with it at this point.
I thought they were going to offically post the position in March. It didn't happen until last week. AND I didn't get Interim status or any additional compensation until I made a fuss at the beginning of June.
I think I actually do have my stuff together. Anyone willing to check for typos?