I sort of have a uniform, but I think it might not be that noticible because it is in all different colors. But every day I wear bike shorts and a cami, then but a dress and a scarf over it. Pretty much all my camis and scarfs go with all my dresses if you are OK with bright color mixing.
In the winter, I wear tights.
That's smart, Sophia. I liked my old closet because it was one long pole, so I just rotated them along the pole and more or less wore the next thing up, assuming it worked with the weather.
I definitely eat the same breakfast every day.
Actually, wasn't there a thing about Obama cutting down on decision-making by only wearing grey or navy suits when he became president?
I am disturbed by the coworker who sounds like he is brushing his teeth while sitting in the toilet stall.
I wear the same things every day, too. Decision fatigue comes with anxiety. I have a small "set" of clothes - pair of jeans, couple t-shirts, one nicer shirt, a skirt - that I wear all the time. It keeps me from standing in front of my closet for an hour sweating over what I'm going to wear. Working from home makes it even easier - most days I'm in pajamas or sweatpants all day because no one sees me.
That is legit disturbing. Ew.
You are a genius, Sophia! I wonder if I could work out something similar? I also like the next-thing-in-line approach, but that would require hanging up or otherwise organizing my clothes somehow. Which I hope will happen someday, but that day is not today.
Yeah, I think it was the Obama thing that set me thinking about it. Also Daddy Warbucks, perhaps in the novelization of the movie version of Annie that had Carol Burnett in it. That was a long time ago, but I think it was in there. ETA Good lord, that was directed by John Huston? Huh.
Not having to make a decision about lunch is super great. I only need to decide When Lunch? and that's driven by my work calendar.
Decision fatigue comes with anxiety.
Ugh, yes. I follow UfYH and pick out what I'm wearing the night before, and I've done it so often that it's habit and only requires a "what's up with the weather?" check.