Who knew that 10th anniversary = raccoon with machine gun?
Hee. Congratulations, Sheryl and Gary!
Successfuly swam 8 laps, woohoo! It's three weeks since I last swam and I only made 4 laps that day, so I wasn't sure how today would go. Half of them freestyle, even better! Then grocery shopped - I already know I forgot one thing, but it's not immediately crucial.
Grocery shopping achieved, here, too.
Now I'm in one of those spots where there is so much I ought to do, I don't know where to start. But I think I have legitimately earned a little bit of just sitting on the couch time.
Ugh. I just made an appointment at the urgent care down the road--I don't want to have strep, but at least if this is strep some antibiotics will cure it. Because OW my throat hurts really bad when I swallow and I think I've been feverish and sleeping all day. I mean, granted I only got about 7 hours of sleep Friday night, but then I took a four hour nap in the afternoon, and then slept 9 more hours last night. And still feel like ass.
Ugh, sorry meara. Hope you can get it cleared up easily.
I hope it's something that can be quickly fixed, meara.
I just canned dilly beans. Even at a half share, my CSA is giving me way more green beans than I can eat. I bought jars and lids months ago, so I just had to buy vinegar and some spices. Next up, beets. We'll see whether any of this is actually edible a week or two down the road, but seeing jars of preserved produce on my counter is surprisingly satisfying.
It's an old-fashioned remedy, but gargling hot-ish salt water really helps my sore throats, at least as far as soothing them. Also good are zinc lozenges, but they make everything taste funny for the next hour or two.
Mm, canned dilly beans! I also love pickled asparagus. Nom.
I have some Ricola, which do help a bit, and I took painkiller, which helps (and helps if there's fever, too). What I really wish is that I could get my tonsils taken out. I hate when they swell up.
I'm thinking of playing a CAH game...anyone up for it?
I'm in. Just sitting here anyway!