That's like an RPF waiting to happen!
No kidding!
I did go dancing this evening, BTW. And would not have sex with any of the folks I danced with (though I think only one was under the age of 40, and only two under 50? And all men).
I had no idea the echidna penis had 4 heads.
How did you not know this? I swear Billytea has mentioned this before.
Oddly, I lived in DC for six years, voted, owned property, had a driver's license and registered a car and never got called for jury duty.
Now that IS shocking!
I don't know what a hydrostat is, or why I should be impressed, but suggest not sleeping with armadillos, as they can carry leprosy.
How did you not know this? I swear Billytea has mentioned this before.
She's been skipping and skimming, that's how. Or else the brain bleach actually worked. Incidentally, only two of the heads are in use at any one time, as explained in this article, "Echidna ejaculation is a little one-sided." [link]
Incidentally, only two of the heads are in use at any one time
OK, that part I did not know. (But I did know talking about echidna penis would bring billytea to the board! it's like saying Beetlejuice or something!)
Yes I followed the educational link, before breakfast even. Entertaining stuff there.
Well, this was quite a thing to read first thing in the morning.
100% PENIS
(Surely I'm not the only one who remembers that...)
Now I'm having C0CKSICLE flashbacks.
You know, I had never even heard of Echidnas before billytea.
I remember C0CKSICLEs, but not 100% penis. Although the Echidna penis is sort of 400% penis. And they are called rosettes!
And they are called rosettes!
So going to a bad pron place.