The house not only tippled in value since I bought it, but a few years ago I sold the back lot for more than I paid for the place total. I had no idea this area would become so popular. Gotta strike while the iron is hot, and of course pay back all the loans I had to take to get it in this shape to sell.
I'll stay in Florida, but 20 miles south of here in either Fort Lauderdale or Pompano Beach.
Now that the place is listed I'll likely leave for Otter Lake in the next couple days. Renting a car. So Much To Do.
Good job people improving their habitats!
Good luck with selling the house, Laura!
Have fun storming the concerts, Jill!
Put in another 20 minutes weeding. It's seriously getting warm, so I don't think I will do more until evening and I may be kidding myself that that's a real possibility, but that's okay because the green waste bin is almost full anyway. If I can put in a half hour to an hour each evening after work this week I think I might actually to get it to look like I want fairly soon.
Ha! My kitchen faucet came apart in my hands but I figured out how to fix it. Supergenius!
I went to Target this morning and now I'm on my way to a birthday party at a beercade.
I just wiped down the toy storage thing I am selling on craigslist. The woman who emailed about it should be by in the next half hour or so. That will be the two largest items I had in my garage to get rid of, out and gone in one weekend. YAY!. no real money to be had, but some money and less clutter.
While waiting for her to show I swept most of the storage half of the garage and got some bags of potting soil into 3 new large outdoor pots I bought last week. Need to transplant some of the things from the front of the house into nicer looking pots and get them off the tiny front porch.
Like -t it is too hot to be doing much yard work. 98 right now, on it's way up to over 100 is the prediction.
Hooray for getting rid of stuff!
It's only 90 in the shade here, but where I need to weed is not at all in the shade. A little of my traditional Sunday dishes and laundry should be manageable.
What is a beercade? Sounds like good times.
She came. The toy storage is gone. WHOOT. Now I am going to hunt down my secondary gym card and if I find it, I am going to swim laps.
I've got laundry in the dryer, did 2 weeks' worth of grocery shopping, and got a hair cut. I believe cleaning the litter boxes can wait until after I've gone to see the Dwayne Johnson Hercules movie.
So awesome. Also might be good for Good Stuff?
Oh yeah, I think I've put at least one of those pictures up.
A little more work then pool time. The sun is only on about 1/4 of the pool now so I can wait a bit longer.