Hippo birdies to Plei!
It turns out that the recruiter was waiting for me to contact her even though she said she'd contact me. Okay! I'm glad I sent her an email yesterday, because I would like to get details on start dates and such so I can plan out the next few months of my life.
That piece of me is fairly shitty and poisonous -- she's responding to real and vile harm, but she's still poison.
That part is so hard. Righteous anger feels so good in the moment but you can't make it your precious.
Man, catching up on emails from yesterday afternoon tricked me into thinking it was much later in the day than it actually is.
Super Happy Birthday, Plei!
Happy birthday, Plei!
It's been my experience that hanging on to anger and resentment does me little good, and doesn't hurt the other person at all: if they're sufficiently toxic, they'll think it's funny I'm spending so much emotional energy on them. And if they're just oblivious, it won't mean anything at all to them.
But it is hella hard to turn away from that anger and spend my emotional energy in other ways, better ways. Living well is -- well, it's not effective revenge, because it assumes the other person cares one way or another (and I don't think they do). But it's the best thing for me, anyway. Really, the best I have managed is to move my life away from those situations, and let myself forget about them. It's not been a conscious thing.
I hope you can find your way to peace with it, JZ. That's a tough situation, and it must be so hard to have pity for someone who treated you so badly. But it shows that you are a better person than she is, because you actually care about other people and things like justice and kindness.
Someone got thrown out of the library this morning for taking off her bra and throwing it at another patron.
Never a dull moment.
Clarification: she was thrown out for refusing to put on her shirt.
She took off her bra and threw it at a passerby while hanging out (um, literally) in the courtyard outside the library.
Mental health services were contacted.
Timelies all!
Happy Birthdat, Plei!
Am now at the con hotel. Didn't find anything at my parents' house I wanted to take back with me. My dad wanted me to take the record player/tape deck/stereo combo, but I don't have any place to put it, if it even works.