gggggggggggggggggggggggggggg////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////
Sorry. Cat-like typing.
(it kinda ruins the joke when the cat edits his post, don't you think?)
Nah, still funny.
Hey, look, I have a Bath & Body Works gift card from December that I never used! And a Jamba Juice gift card from like a year ago that I hope is still good. Maybe I will go spend those tomorrow after work...soap and a smoothie sounds pretty good.
(it kinda ruins the joke when the cat edits his post, don't you think?)
Hee. Yeah, still funny, and now browser-friendly!
I did manage to get up and shower and change the bed and put in laundry. Lunch with a friend next.
It's been so long since I went for a run that I forgot my ZombieLink username. In my defense, it's case-sensitive and that is what I was getting wrong, capitalization. But now I'm ready to go and I will not let the nagging feeling that I should empty the dishwasher and start a new load to run while I run get in my way, dammit.
I do, however, need headphones. Oh, self.
Yesterday I cleaned up my bedroom from the detritus of a month of depression, and found a few things I bought online that it's now too late to return. I hate it when I do that.
Oh hai, expensive digital camera and duplicate versions of FitBit type thingies.
I have two Fitbits because I lost one and didn't discover it (in a pile of clothing) until after I'd gotten the new one.
found a few things I bought online that it's now too late to return. I hate it when I do that.
There are so many things in my home that fall into this category.
My sister gave me her mountain bike, because it was too short for her, and I inflated the tires and adjusted the seat, and took like a 7 minute bike ride, just to see if I would kill myself. (I haven't been on a bike in about...29 years.)
I LIVED on my bike (a 80's 10-speed) from 9-14. We ripped around the apartment complex from woods to pool to the neighboring apartment complex, and screamed down this huge hill we called Kmart Hill, because, well, Kmart was up the hill. It was a long hill and at one point you could go down and catch another hill at the bottom and catch some air.
I was definitely wobbly, but I used to ride no hand, just wheeling along, swooping one way and the other. I am definitely going to ride more. I was grinning like a fool when I came in!