I made a post this morning and forgot to hit Post, and now it doesn't matter. Except, glad you're okay, Gar!
It's almost chilly, and still raining. I like it.
The birds are back in my exhaust vent, as if I didn't already pay someone $75 to remove them and block off the outside vent opening. Good job, sir. Now I have to find someone else and pay more money. I don't mind having to pay to get shit done for my house; I mind having to
keep doing it
because the first people I hired were incompetent.
Should I just buy a ticket to New Orleans???
October is a great time of year to visit NOLA. Weather is no longer extremely hot, but still warm enough to be considered summery in many places.
It's glorious to be able to look at your life situation and realize you can afford indulgences like travel.
Go, Jesse!
Zen, that sucks. Makes me glad I have no vents.
I am so ready to be done with this job! All the little things I need to wrap up before I leave and still having to respond to all the things people need
right now, now, now.
I feel like I'll never be done.
I made a post this morning and forgot to hit Post, and now it doesn't matter.
I do this all the time. And I am also glad Gar is all right.
It's glorious to be able to look at your life situation and realize you can afford indulgences like travel.
It's true! I would have to really plan to do A Big Trip, but I can totally do a little trip on a whim! AIFG.
I think NOLA will be SO UNFUN. Really.
Awful. /jealous
A trip to Vegas from Utah is so cheap, I'm thinking of making it a yearly indulgence.
edit: My freedom is both depressing and exhilarating. A not-uncommon feeling in my situation, I understand.
I'm doing the thing!
What should I have for lunch? When I decided not to try to pack a lunch this morning, I thought I would have made a decision of what to go pick up by now.