I like large statement planters with assortments of happily coexisting flowers and vertical leaves and things. He likes wee litters of pots with a different thing in each pot. Coexistence is hard.
Can you plant a bunch of the little pots together inside the big planters?
If the hockey gods accept your blood sacrifice, then I and the others at the altar thank you for your gift.
I've had 3 necessary showers today:one to wake up & needed shaving, one post swim and one post BAGGING UP ALL THOSE GODDAMN LINDEN PETAL THINGS. I was so gross after. It was sultry out.
Had fresh green peas in cilantro lime dressing (meant to add corn, but it would need defrosting and I'm that lazy now) and fresh eastern shore strawberries.
Though about putting in the ac but humidity and temp got reasonable at sunset, so I may make it to the cooler first week in June....
I've committed to bra shopping tomorrow. There was one place (Soma) that has possibilities, but by the time I hit them last week, I couldn't handle more than one try on, I was done. So there will be that.
I aborted mission the last 3 times I tried to go shopping for bras. It's that onerous.
Even when successful, pretty much puts me in the worst mood ever.
I've found a bra that fits well and I can buy online. I will give their manufacturer ALL MY MONEY FOREVER!
I'm watching BBC World. They have a slightly portly older woman with no makeup and poorly styled gray (should I say grey?) hair as the main speaker. I may never stop watching (until sobriety).
I aborted mission the last 3 times I tried to go shopping for bras. It's that onerous.
yep. I went to Lane Bryant and it took me at least 4-5 tryons and I just gritted my teeth through all of it. But I have three that are pretty good enough.
I'm totally seeing how booze became a thing in the Pleistocene ( or whatever). Damn. I care about Putin's homophobia and Bangladesh boat peoples's problems, but I no longer want to drown the FIFA leader's head in a pile of horse feces, so I'm thinking that may be an improvement.
My shape is still in flux, so I've not yet had luck with the ones I bought the time before. And I'm an awkward composition of parts that seems to not conform dramatically to 95% of the configurations out there. I know what works, just hard to find.
I think Loki just sprayed, as much a a fixed cat can, the French door screens. There was an outside cat, but it stayed out by the porch railing. It's not super strong, but unmistakable. And making Pumpkin mental. It's not affecting him, which adds to my suspicion.
I will give their manufacturer ALL MY MONEY FOREVER!
Yeah, that's what I thought. Then when I went to go buy another one a year later? No longer made. Like it never even existed. *poof*