I don't know what a skytrain is, but I think there's one at some airports. Where it is decidedly unromantic.
A former coworker (from when I lived in DC, and worked at a place where everyone was social together) was in town with her husband, and we had drinks, which was fun...except turns out the reason they went on a cruise to Alaska is because she has Stage 4 cancer and is doing bucket list things! BOOO.
And now my tummy is not happy with the wine I drank or the stinky cheeses I ate, but I want to go dancing later.
Aw, sorry about your former coworker, and I hope your tummy lets you go dancing! Wine and stinky cheese should not get in the way of dancing in a just universe.
I think they are "airtrains" at airports? "Skytrain" sounds so much better. It might be for the best that I don't really know what it is.
I am drinking wine and reading Wolf Hall, btw, if anyone was in suspense.
Ah, apparently SkyTrain is what they call the El in Vancouver. And in Bangkok, according to the interwebs.
Ooh, Vancouver and Bangkok both sound exotic and exciting! Places I have not been, after all. Maybe I will keep my SkyTrain fascination, although perhaps not to the point of needing to move to somewhere where I can commute by SkyTrain. Or maybe so, it's early days and there isn't a space elevator to commute by.
A SkyTrain does sound like it should be fun. Nothing as mundane as taking you terminal to terminal or terminal to hotel.
I had soft-shell crab for dinner, tonight. Yum.
.Yay! I should have something coming out in the June issue as well about NOLA Brewing. Also I'm on the beer tasting panel in this month's All About Beer and have a feature in either the August or September issue of AAB as well.
AAB - I think I should know thus but...
I any way, intensely cool. Glad you were able to follow so much of your bliss to NOLA.
Duh, you said it - All About Beer. I think that one I don't find around here (sadly admits he only reads the free beer periodicals, but has good sources to them all).
I am drinking lambic and watching Daredevil. I want them to turn on more lights, everyone on the whole show. go outside during day. have lights in your office. TURN ON LIGHTS.
What kind of lambic? There are so many!!
Also, I think your comments on lights would have worked with The Godfather - especially if you didn't have a good print of the movie. Heh. Don't know why that came to mind. I don't watch the show, but I know Kingpin. Also, Matt's blind so...