Jessica, let's hope the other buyers find a house that's even better for them and withdraw their offer.
Yay for homeward heading Tim!
Ginger, I hope whoever is in charge of getting your labwork scheduled properly spends the rest of the year feeling like they're just about to sneeze.
Ice cream sounds delightful. Since I just ate a whole lot of pizza, I'm thinking I should hold off on that, though.
I had to run out to the store for wine and ice cream because it's an elimination game tonight in hockey and I need to have options for celebration or mourning.
Ginger, I hope whoever is in charge of getting your labwork scheduled properly spends the rest of the year feeling like they're just about to sneeze.
That's a good one!
I keep wanting to try Leinie's Berry Weiss with ice cream as a float.
Rosie and Gilda are approaching 10 years old. Petri was 10 when he died.
My objection to the salted caramel ice cream I was eating was that to me salted caramel should have the contrast of salt crystals. Without that, it's just salty caramel. Mind you, any trend that brings me caramel can't be all bad.
I knew that. From her picture.
I didn't know the terminology!
My objection to the salted caramel ice cream I was eating was that to me salted caramel should have the contrast of salt crystals. Without that, it's just salty caramel. Mind you, any trend that brings me caramel can't be all bad.
Yes to all of that, with the addition that half the things I eat that are called salted caramel aren't even salty!
Pumpkin is technically a calico, but that fails to express her mixedupness. She's a tortie-orngtabby-tux. All those marks are definite, on one teeny cat. Asleep in the hottest spot.
What's her personality, Jesse?
Mid-level Cat? Not needy-puppy like Homer, for sure, but not scaredy-cat, either. She likes to sit on the sofa nearish me, randomly runs around a fair amount, meows a little.
Hah, love that title. I've got a puppy toddler clown and a super affectionate version of The Brain.
I want a mid-level cat, one who's happy to be near me but doesn't have to be on me.
Yeah, it's pretty pleasant.