Steph, what every is saying. You are having a family emergency. The work can wait or be reassigned.
As to cats, both my cats died at 12 when I was hoping they'd live much longer. You never know.
That said, Oz who was already a fat cat, has gotten fatter over the winter. I guess chasing Clio was a major source of exercise for him. I changed to a healthier, no grain brand, hoping it would be more satiating, but he's as food oriented as ever. I am trying to play with him more. As much of an urinating jerk he can be, I would like to keep him happy and healthy.
I had one who was 18 and one 19.
In completely frivolous me-me-ME news: by this time tomorrow, I will be on a plane going to DISNEYLAND. I have no attention span for fussy project managers right now. CAN'T HEAR YOU, GOING TO DISNEYLAND.
For those who want to carry their cat with them, the Mewgaroo.
eyiyiyi, Sparky! All the ~ma to J's uncle and to your dad.
And hey! I slid down those stairs and you didn't call an architect. You never loved me.
Good news Steph - and more hugs.
I am in New York! It's hot. Currently recharging all the things.
Koogie would have adored the Mewgaroo, he would have been perfect to bring into the office, all he wanted to do the last few years of his life was sleep within reach of me.
I got to the hospital just in time to watch the doctor remove Tim's chest tube...and find out he's being discharged! Since they originally said it would be tomorrow, this is great!
Yay, Steph. I'm sure Tim will be more comfortable resting at home.
Congrats to Tim's lung for deciding to play nice. May it continue to stay inflated.
I'm still giddy from seeing Eddie Izzard last night. His set was fantastic and I was right up front during his Q&A after the show. I couldn't think of a Q to save my life but he was so open and happy to answer anything. Even that gal who was pushing him about running for US Pres in 2016 (ummm, not born in the US...duh). And the stillettos he was wearing for the Q&A...damn.