The official medical term for Tim's collapsed lung is "spontaneous pneumothorax," which is metal as HELL.
tell him next time to go for exploding into blue confetti instead. Less traumatizing / more amusing to loved ones.
Love to you both and much ~ma for continued re-inflation.
Service dogs can be for spotting seizures or other things that unlike guide dogs don't necessarily require that kind of total focus. For everyone's sake they should be well trained, but do sometimes act more like pets.
ION, I have a happy, purring cat on my lap. This seems to happen a lot.
the Queen's herd of corgis
That reminds me of a show I saw on Windsor Castle. The Warden of the Castle has a black lab, and he was talking about one of the other high officials that lives in the Castle, who said "Everyone important here has a black lab, it seems." To which the Warden replied, "No, everyone important has corgis."
Hil, my arthritis sometimes attacks fingers that way. Do the joints feel warm?
Yeah. I took some pain meds, and it's feeling somewhat better. It's not actually the joints in my fingers that are swollen, but the ones in my hands.
I know enough people who own "service dog" coats whose dogs have no service training whatsoever, that I just assume that any service dog that acts like a pet out for a walk with its person, instead of a trained dog providing a service, is actually just that. That said, I don't think it's my business to get all bothered by that, especially since brenda's right, they might well be providing a service that isn't clearly apparent to me.
I may have run out of both spoons and brain.
This being the first post in here after catching up on iZombie in Boxed Set, the image in my head is probably not the one you intended.
spontaneous pneumothorax
So once he's out of the hospital, is Tim going to get this tattooed on his chest where the re-inflated lung is and tell everyone it's the name of his biker gang? (Please say yes. I don't care if it's true.)
The house has multiple offers so the seller has requested everyone submit one last best final offer. I have a feeling we're not going to win this little bidding war, because we really can't afford to go much higher than the asking price (and even the asking price is high for a 165 year-old house that's going to need a LOT of upkeep).
This being the first post in here after catching up on iZombie in Boxed Set, the image in my head is probably not the one you intended.
Ha! But also I'm not sure zombies were entirely outside my intent.
Oh, that sucks Jess. Here's hoping. :(
tell him next time to go for exploding into blue confetti instead. Less traumatizing / more amusing to loved ones.
I read this as telling him to next time explode his lung into blue confetti instead of just collapsing. Which is not a good plan.
Eek on the collapsed lung! I'm glad it is getting treated.
So once he's out of the hospital, is Tim going to get this tattooed on his chest where the re-inflated lung is and tell everyone it's the name of his biker gang? (Please say yes. I don't care if it's true.)
At the very least, I can come up with a cool design in Sharpie.
Because he has barbell piercings in his nipples, they needed to come out for x-rays. But they can close up really quickly, and he only got them pierced in January, so he wanted to keep them open. The ER staff must deal with this a lot, because he now has very small catheter tubing through his piercing holes. It's HILARIOUS.
He's also full of oxycodone, which is ALSO hilarious.
And I am more tired than I thought possible. And I have SO MUCH WORK to do tomorrow that didn't get done today. I need about 3 clones of me, ASAP.
But also, thank god for Ativan. (Had I taken it sooner today, I might not have Hulked out when the ER was on lockdown and I wasn't allowed to go back and see Tim.) Ativan + my brain = OTP 4evAh!!!1!