Why are people so utterly horrific about RSVPing? Or, even if they DO RSVP, not showing up when they say they will? Grrrr. Our grad/housewarming party was nice, but certainly not the number of people we expected/assumed. We have a TON of leftover food, beer, and wine. The beer and wine can be stored, no big deal there. But the food waste pisses me off.
Le sigh. But we had fun and I was able to talk with lots of folks. My boss, who I adore, even came with his family and hung out in the back for a while.
I have posted a virtual house tour on FB...didn't take shots of K-Bug's room because she is off house sitting and I don't feel like spiffying up her room for pictures. One of the few times CJ's room is neater than K-Bug's.
Also, driving right after that movie is an exercise in self-control.
No kidding. I was glad the route from the local cinema to my house includes about 3 miles of highway driving.
I hate when that happens, Suzi. I always end up with too much stuff.
Do I wash my flannel sheets hot because they are sheets or cold because they are flannel? I know I have figured this out before...
Flannel is supposed to be washed cold? I had no idea. Does it say on the sheets tag?
I always wash flannel shirts and so forth cold. Because it's cotton? I don't remember why.
Tag, yes, that is a good idea.
Tag says cold. Thank you, meara!
I pretty much wash everything warm and dry everything on perm press other than the hand wash and dry flat stuff.
I default to cold wash and regular dry, mostly. My dryer always wants two cycles on permanent press to actually get things dry. Silk, delicates and high tech fabrics get special treatment, though, and I like to use the "super sanitary" setting for sheets and towels although I have no rationale for that and don't know what it's supposed to accomplish.
I use hot for sheets and towels, warm for most other stuff, and cold for things that might shrink. I try to only do separate loads of hang dry, and dry sheets on hot and everything else on low.
Hot for towels and sheets, to keep down the dust mites, cold for everything else.