aurelia and I did meet up and see Mad Max.
And the first call is at 7:30am--on a Sunday. My day to sleep in. I ignored 3 phone calls, 1 voicemail message and 1 text before I responded to the last text around 12:30. It doesn't bother me if she arranges a pick up the day before, but to call me and expect me to rescue her from utter boredom and lack of sleep
Uh, yeah, that's not cool. If she arranges pickup the day before, do you go over early, or does she arrange it for a reasonable hour? How does she get over there? Maybe just be straight up and say "that's not cool, I won't be answering my phone that early, and if you want a ride you need to ASK me ahead of time"
OMGWTF weather. I know people to the north of us are getting it worse, but jesus, more rain, more flash flood watches.
I'm still absorbing the movie and having thinky thoughts. Also, driving right after that movie is an exercise in self-control.
aurelia, I biked home from the theater and was hella twitchy the whole way.
I walked home but I needed to run errands after.
After I saw Gravity I felt like everyone on the bus needed to be respectfully quiet.
My daughter usually picks her up. And as far as I'm concerned, she should do the bringing back if that's the case. There are times when it is acknowledged in advance that she won't be able to and, if it is brought up to me, I'll usually agree. And we'll work out a reasonable time. I usually do my grocery shopping on that side of town, so I do that and then pick up the roomie on the way home. Which is usually the way it happens even if she springs things on me. I'm willing to accommodate people to a point, but not to where it's a total inconvenience and I set the schedule. I do need to talk to her about the calling so early, though. That's just rude, and a little ill-considered, because she knows darn well I won't answer the phone that early; I don't answer it for anyone, period.
Yay, for movie! I want to go see Mad Max, again. I know that's one that I'm going to buy off Amazon as soon as it's available.
I have been in such a foul mood all day. I don't know if it was the heartburn or the bra shopping(always puts me in a bad place) or if it all just fed each other. I tried a nap, but Loki decided to be an asshole and knock things off. He was doing it on purpose too. Even taking him for a walk, he kept going back to it. I KNOW he doesn't do this when I am not home.
Loki decided to be an asshole and knock things off. He was doing it on purpose too.
Like this cat (scroll down to the actual GIF): [link]
Yup. Baskets of odds and ends, my teabox of keys, my cell, my keys hanging on hooks, glass bowl of shells(I aborted that one.) He even took to just thwapping a plastic placemat just to make noise. He's such a toddler. I'm surprised he didn't bang the cabinet doors!